Customer service - Contact us
Send us an email with your questions, we will try to answer you as soon as possible.
To help you as efficiently as possible, please answer the following questions as accurate as possible:
- Would you like an island system with battery, or a network system that feeds into the existing 220V grid?
- Where is the facility located? (Country / Place / Height above sea level)
- Where should the solar modules be installed? (Deck / car roof / tile roof / floor / flat roof / façade, etc.)
- Is an orientation towards the south possible with an angle of approx. 30 ° - 60 °?
- Is the plant partially shaded? (If yes at what times)
- For power supply systems: Which size in square meters or which maximum size would you like or what is your budget?
- For island installations: What months of the year is the plant in operation?
- For island installations: Is the system used daily or only at the weekend?
- For island installations: What equipment do you want to connect? (Please give us as detailed information as possible about the devices, current / voltage / power)
- For island installations: How many hours are the respective devices in operation per day?
- How did you find this website? (Friends, Google, phone book, trade fair, listing etc.)
Through this voluntary information you help us to further improve our services
Opening hours in Bülach: Mon - Fri 09:00 - 11:45 13:30 - 16:30 (Other times on request)
Tel: 044 862 04 44
go Solar GmbH
Südstrasse 18
CH-8180 Bülach / Switzerland